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Full Moon in Libra LIVE Ritual ~Bringing Relationships Into Balance~

~Bringing Relationships Into Balance~

Full Moon in Libra

Join us for a LIVE online Full Moon Ritual on Friday, March 26th at 3 PM Pacific.

This ritual circle will explore how we are in relationships with ourselves, with others, and with life itself.
The full moon in Libra brings an overwhelming desire for balance and harmony. This sign of partnership is fully illuminating how we are in commitment with who we are and how others are the mirror reflection of the self.

The full moon in Libra is the first full moon of the astrological year.
Libra is the “we” to the “me” and normally has a gentle feeling of love to it - wanting to seek balance if all sides don’t feel this reciprocity of harmony.

This particular full moon has two especially strong themes:
~ The Sun in fiery Aries is directly conjunct to Venus (love and values) and Chiron (the wounded healer) with all three opposite to the full moon in Libra. This will point out to us our deepest heart values and disappointments. This very sensitive full moon will show how being in a relationship with others can help us understand our own healing journey. It will open your heart to yourself and others.
~ A mental grand air trine (Moon/Mars/Saturn) with a kite pointing to this Sun/Venus/Chiron trinity has us facing injustices head-on with the courage to speak out and get our personal needs met.

This powerful Libra lunation will help you to examine your values, your relationships with others and how they reflect your relationship with yourself, what works and what doesn’t, and how to diplomatically speak your Truth in them.

All are welcome to join us in this ceremony.
We will connect with each other and the elements of nature, sing, learn about the energy and astrology of this time we are in, experience a soul guidance meditation, and close by sharing our stories of how we are experiencing these times.

Please bring your voice, your reflection, your heart, and your willingness to open your mind to new beliefs. You can also bring your journal and pen to reflect on your experience.

The circle will be recorded and emailed that evening to those who preregistered and could not make it to this live circle.

There will also be personal share time after the circle closes that will not be recorded because of privacy.
$13 exchange

Register with the link below to get zoom meeting details.