When life isn't fair, ask three questions

Life is not always fair, is it?  Growing up I was always upset when life wasn't equitable. Luckily I grew up, and realized that whining doesn't get my way (although I sure tried - sorry mom and dad!)

We can complain about life's unfairness and react in a knee jerk way, or we can sit with it, feel it and learn to respond to life's dissatisfactions gracefully.

Complaints are a way of expressing our unsatisfied need to be recognized and loved.  When we recognize we are not getting what we need, it's time to ask the big three questions of yoga. Please listen to the link below to find out what questions you can be asking yourself.

How to adore the core of who you are

Being authentic to your own being is one of the core teachings of yoga.  Your essence is a divine gift. You must first accept yourself, at your core, before others are able to.

To be exactly as you are is the greatest way you can honor life.

Knowing yourself at your core is one of the main reasons to practice yoga.  The more you "own yourself," the more you authentically can move in this world with power and freedom.   Please listen in to my class introduction to find out why it is essential to claim ourselves fully.

Lean back to open your heart

Our emotions are the way we realize that we are connected to the world.  When we have a barrier against our emotions we become shielded from life.

Having something to lean back upon allows us to open our hearts more fully. This support of something bigger than ourselves creates a deeper connection to our divine nature.

Please listen the bellow recording of my class theme by clicking on the link below.

You are never unplugged from the Light

You know those days you feel completely disconnected? Well, this recording is for you.  We have all had those moments that we feel unplugged and dim.

Yoga helps us to remember that we are the channel by which the divine flows through and out into the world. We are the agency and conduit of consciousness. With that awareness, we can actively receive,regulate, and amplify our Light into the world.

Remove the barriers to Love

Love is our true nature- we already have what we seek.

Often our access to this inner love feels blocked by challenges and circumstances that close our heart to life.  Yoga allows us to crack open these shells and discover that our life is a service to the love within.

Myths often tell us a greater truth through their symbolism. The mythical creature, Hanuman, overcomes many barriers to be of service to divine love. In this story I discuss three of the obstacles we share with Hanuman and relate the lessons learned to our own lives.

Please enjoy this tale of Hanuman who takes a leap of faith to reunite us with the divine love within.

Friendship is the mirror

"Friends already see you as the person you long in your heart to be."  This beautiful quote came on a card from a friend..  It was the perfect message for me at a time I didn't believe in myself. Sometimes we need others to help us realize what we are capable of.   True friends always see your intrinsic goodness, hold you accountable, and encourage you to be yourself fully.

Trust your ability to adapt

Adaptations allow us to be more effective in the world. When we look to nature at how things adapt and change to their conditions, we realize that we are capable of this as well.


Yoga allows us to adapt to the conditions of your life and allow you to not just survive, but thrive. When you feel stuck and incapable, instead of resisting your life, yoga allows you to see a bigger picture and to be more resourceful and flexible in your world.

Gratitude changes road blocks into speed bumps.

"We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses."

I love this quote by Abraham Lincoln because I think we can all relate to it.  When thorny circumstances occur, it's hard to remember the roses.  These challenges change the way we look at life and can make us feel jaded by it.  As a result, we struggle against what appears to be roadblocks to our life.  What would happen if we took a step back and tried to see the bigger picture?  Looking into our past, haven't we grown into the person we are exactly because of the struggles?  When we change our perspective and are grateful for the roses, the roadblocks change into speed-bumps inviting us to slow down... but keep going.

Please enjoy this introduction to one of my classes on this topic below