2021 Theme and Astrological Energy Report ~ Reinventing Your Reality ~

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Energy and Theme for 2021
~ Reinventing Your Reality ~

While 2020 brought so much change, 2021 brings innovation and the ability to expand our minds and the ways we choose to live our lives. 2021 calls for us to be innovative, extra creative, and think outside of the box.

Last year was a huge initiation year for all of us, asking us to release old karmic patterns and identities. We were confronted with what energies needed to be shed and to make more conscious choices of what we now need to prioritize. What has been released from the “Divine Exfoliator Year” of 2020 has now created space for what is next. We can either see it as empty or we can see the clean slate of what has not yet become. The world we live in is in a direct relationship with how we perceive it.

In this void, all is possible. What is next for you?

The Astrology of 2021 is asking us to prepare for a New Era. Old paradigms and power structures are making way for a new order of collective innovation and transformation.  The old ways are over, so now is the time to begin anew from a new visionary perspective. The question is, what are you open to receiving from what you perceive? 

It is time to Reinvent Your Reality.

The numerology of 2021 is a number 5 year, a master of change number, signifying creativity, adaptively, and the power of creativity from working in harmony with all 5 elements (earth, water, fire, air, and spirit.) The power of the word to generate our new reality will be highlighted as a time to rewrite our old stories from the space of possibility. Old identities have been shed or redefined. It is time to materialize the new way of being. The word is the building block of our reality. How are you beginning to write this new chapter? Be careful not to go back to old patterns and ways.
It is time to rewrite your story.

2021 also brings about the gestation of the Age of Aquarius with a stellium gathering of four planets in Aquarius in February after the Jupiter Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius at Yule 2020.  Aquarius is the collective energy changing the current “power with” patriarchal models into a “power with” new order. The possibility of working together for the greater good is awakening. We must find our authentic soul path to be of service to the collective.

There are many significant 2021 astrological energies. Over the course of this year will highlight these and many others: 

Three Mercury Retrogrades in 2021 in Air signs will expand our minds and ways of thinking, encouraging our words to come from our Truth. Deep thoughts will give rise to innovative ideas.
January 30 – February 20
May 29 – June 22
September 26 – October 18
Saturn Square Uranus
The most significant transit in 2021 is Saturn squaring Uranus three times. These two planetary bodies are in direct conflict with each other. Saturn rules structures, rules, and society’s authority. Uranus is the great awakener that causes change, evolution, and revolutions. The tense relationship of a square angle between them will cause a change in the order of society. Power struggles will be at play – conformity vs. newness.  Just remember that everything in life must change, so learn how to surf the waves of change so that you don’t get trapped underneath it.
February 17
June 14
December 24
2021 will have four eclipses, with a Blood Moon Eclipse that can bring massive change and awakenings.  All eclipses are rapid energy bursts that push us forward into what we are meant to evolve into next. Often things end abruptly during these times but are there to assist you to recalibrate the path you are on.
May 26- Blood Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius
June 10- Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini
November 19- Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
December 4- Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
Venus and  Mars Conjunction
The two planets that represent our passions and our pleasures meet for their rendezvous every 2 years. The two represent the sacred masculine and divine feminine within us. Their sacred union on July 13, 2021, brings harmony between these opposite energies with positive experiences in love and relationships.
Lionsgate Sirius Heliacal Rise on New Moon in Leo
The new moon in Leo on the 8th of August is at Lionsgate on 8/8. Sirius, our Spiritual Sun rises before the sun in Leo, marking a powerful time of activating light codes in our DNA. The rise of Sirius is associated with the concept of rebirth, with our spiritual sun in alignment with the sun of our solar system to awaken the Light of our Being. 
2021 brings a radical change of the old systems to open the fertile space of creativity and innovation. This is a year to try new things and be open-minded to new possibilities to Reinvent Your Reality!

Reclaim Your Soul Path

In these times of transformation, we need to connect to our soul path even more. 

You don’t have to suffer and repeat the same patterns.

You are more than you realize, and the answers to all questions are inside.  There is a way to influence your reality for the better, to shift your consciousness, and by that avoid suffering and move onto a better path for all.  

If you feel called to work with me in 2021, I would be honored to in the following ways:

  • Free weekly newsletter energy reports emailed to you. Sign up for the newsletter at www.SacredLifeCircle.com

  • Monthly full moon online rituals. We celebrate the energy of that lunation in a live ceremony. Sign up for the newsletter at www.SacredLifeCircle.com to get invitations by email.

  • Astrology readings and soul guidance sessions. Use the discount code REINVENT to get 20% off and hour session at www.SacredLifeCircle.com

  • Embodied Mystery School launching in Spring 2021 to awaken your sacred self. This program is for spiritual seekers ready to embody their Mystery and walk on their unique soul journey, guided by the stars and by Gaia's rhythms. Join the waitlist at www.EmbodiedMystery.com

 Many blessings on your path,