Endings Create New Beginnings


Hello dear ones,

We are at the end of a challenging year that has brought much for us to reconsider and evaluate. I sincerely wish that you and your family are well and able to weather this storm. I wish with all of my heart that 2021 brings you all health and an easeful new way of being.

I have also been reviewing my last year and have made the decision that I will discontinue teaching yoga classes. I deeply love you all and I am very grateful for our time together. I have continued to teach on Monday mornings for the last nine months primarily to offer a landing space for those of you who wanted to continue taking classes with me. My life has now taken a new course and I will be ending this chapter to begin a new one.

I regret that my time teaching yoga weekly to you has come to an end. It was a wonderful 16 years full of transformative and heart felt experiences. I am grateful for everyone and each of you. Sadly, it is no longer sustainable for me to teach online. I wish to create something new and put my energy and time into my new online mystery school. I envision having classes and programs that teach how to be in rhythm with nature and align your life by the stars. If this appeals to you, you are welcome to get more information about my new offering that will open Spring 2021 at www.EmbodiedMystery.com. You can also get my newsletter by signing up there. I do plan on having a few yoga and movement classes included in this new program.

My last online class will be on January 11, 2021. In numerology the number 1 means new beginnings. I hope that this new year brings an abundance of bright new beginnings to each of you.

Thank you all for trusting me to be your teacher. It is bittersweet to end my long teaching career in this way, but I know this is what I am meant to do going forward. I hope that this new year will bring you abundance of health and new opportunities to be in alignment with your sacred self. Please feel free to reach out to me in the future at KristenDessange@SacredLifeCircle.com

With love and gratitude,